Contact Information
Yakama Nation Behavioral Health Áwtni Shixwitpamá “The Sacred Healing Place”
(509) 865-5121 ext: 7633
Fax: (509) 984-3793
Main Building: 511 South Elm Street Toppenish WA
Mission Statement
The Yakama Nation Behavioral Health Services provides a high range of quality counseling-therapy to children, adolescents, adults, elders and families on an individual basis or group therapy setting. Yakama Nation Behavioral Health Services is devoted to the Confidentiality of their patients for professional prevention and treatment that enhances wellness in mind, body and spirit. Other services include: Intakes/Assessments that include Diagnoses, Treatment Planning, Safety Planning, and counseling-therapy with qualified Staff. Social services are also offered by professionals that possess appropriate degrees, experience, training and credentialing for individual and group treatment. Yakama Nation Behavioral Health Services collaborates, directly and through the referral processes, with other programs and departments of the Yakama Nation continuum of care, as well as community partners, agencies, Educational Institutions, and private/non-profit organizations to address mental health on the Yakama Reservation.
“Yakama Nation Behavioral Health Services (YNBHS) mission is to inspire and empower Native People to live healthy lives and to promote wellness amongst the Yakama Nation community.”

Vision Statement
Our vision and goal is to improve the overall health and wellness of the individuals and families of the Yakama Nation. We aim to identify strengths of the individual, family, extended family, and the community in healing past traumas, resolution of current difficult situations and to encourage building supportive healthy family relationships.

Yakama Nation Behavioral Health Services provides:
- Yakama Tribal School, Mount Adams School District, Toppenish School District, Glenwood, and Zillah School District counseling, and support services for students;
- Special Projects Unit- comprised of other grants awarded to YNBHS to enhance services:
-YNBHS Systems of Care Grand Program
-YNBHS Trauma Informed Support Services Program (TISS)
-YNBHS Native Connections Grant Program
-YNBHS Zero Suicide Grant Program - YNBHS Community Coalition
- Victim Resource Program
- In-house crisis counseling, person of abuse (family, child, and adult), problems associated with displacement such as foster home, relative and adoption placement, homeless, or recently displaced due to domestic violence or other victim crimes.
- Domestic Violent Perpetrator Program and Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) services;
- Advocacy and Support Services;
- Suicide Prevention Training QPR, Crisis management, intervention services, Postvention services;
- Wellness/Historical Trauma Training and counseling
- Anger Management (limited)
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